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Environmental Audit (EA)

At Global Green Consultant, we are dedicated to ensuring your business meets the highest environmental standards. As a trusted provider of 3rd party environmental audits, we help you evaluate the effectiveness of your environmental management systems and pollution control equipment.

Why Choose Global Green Consultant for Your Environmental Audit?

  • Expertise in Diverse Industries: Our audit experience spans heavy metals, oil & gas industries, chemical industries, power plants, plywood, electronic manufacturing companies, and cement industries.
  • Comprehensive Schedule Waste Audits: We specialize in identifying and managing scheduled waste, ensuring compliance and safety.
  • Extensive Experience with Palm Oil Mills & Refineries: With audits conducted in over 40 palm oil mills, we bring unparalleled expertise to the table.
  • Port & Jetty Audits: We provide thorough assessments to ensure environmental compliance in these critical areas.

Our Audit Services Help You:

  • Determine the performance of your environmental management systems and pollution control equipment.
  • Verify compliance with DOE’s legal requirements.
  • Minimize human exposure to environmental, health, and safety risks.

Get in touch with us today to ensure your operations are environmentally compliant and safe.